Monday, January 7, 2013

Sims 3 Alien Abduction Mod Download

 Are you tired of your sims getting abducted by aliens? Or would you prefer they were abducted by aliens a little more often? Whether your aim is to turn your town into Area 51, or remove all chance of having your favorite sim sucked up into the belly of a flying saucer, this is the mod you want.

The More / Less Alien Abduction mod provides six new settings that can change the chances and methods of your sim's UFO experiences, making them so rare as to never happen, or to be as commonplace as catching a ride in the carpool.

Check out More / Less Alien Abductions :D

EDIT: An Actual Sims 3 Abduction

Funnily enough, up until the point that I wrote about this mod, none of my sims had actually been abducted, well that's all changed now. A promising young musician is now in outer space somewhere.

In which my sim is abducted. By aliens.
As it turns out, there's no real down side to having been abducted by aliens, my sim was returned not an hour or two later, with a minus ten moodlet from having been alien probed, but otherwise entirely unharmed. They were even kind enough to drop her back at her house.

Sim returns after alien abduction. Eats sandwich.